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What’s this about?

Houdini UX (pronounced"hoodeenee-yoo-ex") is a collection of Usability helpers that I’ve been missing in Houdini, such as:

Isolate Selection

  • Mimics the Maya/Softimage “Isolate Selection” workflow at the Objects level. isolate-selection

Toggle Object Display

  • Toggles the visibility state of selected Objects: toggle-visibility

Quick Display

  • Let’s you store and load active/visible nodes in SOP’s.
    This is intended to sort of mimic the UX behaviour of Nuke’s viewer shortcuts. (→ 1, 2, 3) quick-display

And a few more:

  • Parent & Unparent selected objects.
  • Reset Transform of selected objects.
  • Pickwalking and Hierarchy walking. (→ up, down, left, right)
  • Toggle FullScreen.