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A word about the Demo Keymaps

Houdini UX ships with two demo keymaps:

  • houdini-ux-demo (minimal)
  • houdini-ux-demo (with pickwalking)

→ Just save new unmodified keymaps with exactly those names and the provided Keymap Overrides should be automatically picked up.
(→ see Installation Instructions)

An easy way to check out Houdini UX.

You can use these demo keymaps to quickly check out if you like any aspect of Houdini UX.

Choosing hotkeys always comes down to personal preferences, and often forces you to un-assign/re-assign other vanilla hotkeys to prevent conflicts.

Therefore I’d like to suggest:

  • Use these demo keymaps to check things out.
  • If you like what you see, then assign/manage your own hotkeys to your liking in your own personal keymap.

Why are there two demo keymaps?

  • The houdini-ux-demo (minimal) keymap provides hotkeys for everything, except “Pickwalking/Hierarchy Walking”.

  • The houdini-ux-demo (with pickwalking) is a bit more invasive, as it maps Pickwalking to the 4 cursor keys.
    In Houdini the cursor keys control aspects of timeline playback, therefore these had to be remapped in this demo keymap, to “free” up the cursor keys.

    Timeline Playback has been mapped in here to the vanilla Maya timeline hotkeys:

    • Play Forward: Alt+V
    • Step Forward One: Alt+.
    • Step Backward One: Alt+,
    • Jump To Previous Keyframe: ,
    • Jump To Next Keyframe: .

How do I assign my own hotkeys?

  • Every command of Houdini UX also appears as a shelf tool in the houdini-ux shelf.
  • You can right-click on such a shelf tool, and assign a global hotkey in the “Hotkeys” tab:

    edit-tool hotkey-tab

  • For reference, open the Houdini UX .keymap.overrides files in a text editor to see what hotkeys get assigned in the demo keymaps.
  • Depending on your hotkey choices, the Hotkey Manager might prompt you to de-assign/re-assign conflicting hotkeys.