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Installation Instructions

Houdini UX is distributed and loaded as a Houdini package.

1. Download Release.

  • Visit Houdini UX on GitHub and download the .zip or .tar.gz file of the latest release.


  • Unzip it to anywhere you want and rename the top folder back to houdini-ux.

(→ Or just clone the repo of course, if you are git-savvy and prefer that…)

2. Copy and adjust package file.

  • Copy package_template/houdini_ux.json into the packages/ directory within your Houdini home folder:


    (→ Or into any other folder where Houdini package files will get picked up.)

  • Update the HUX_ROOT env variable defined inside this houdini_ux.json file so that it points to your houdini-ux location:


3. Verify that package gets loaded.

  • Start Houdini.
  • Verify that the package got picked up:
    • in a Python Shell inside Houdini:


      >>> import houdini_ux
      >>> print(houdini_ux)
      <module 'houdini_ux' from '/path/to/houdini-ux/python/'>
  • Display the houdini-ux shelf:


4. Create Demo Hotkeys

  • Open the Hotkey Manager in Houdini.
  • Click on the Gears icon and click “Save As…“:
  • Save a new keymap with exactly this name:
    houdini-ux-demo (minimal)


  • Now switch back to the Houdini keymap and then save another keymap with exactly this name:
    houdini-ux-demo (with pickwalking)

NOTE: The houdini-ux package contains Keymap Overrides that will automatically get picked up by correctly named keymaps.

  • Now activate the houdini-ux-demo (minimal) demo keymap.
  • Finally restart Houdini for good measure.
    (Sometimes existing shelves and keymaps get confused otherwise…)

5. Verify that the Keymap Overrides got picked up.

  • Select anything in the Objects context and hit Alt+I (→ “Isolate Selection”).

→ This should happen:


That should be it! :)

You’re now ready to check out Houdini UX.